Tuesday 13 September 2016

7 Amazing Birds :


1. A Female Hornbill lays her egg in a hole of a tree, the male Hornbill blocks up the hole with mud. But he leaves a hole for the female's beak to reach in and feed the young ones till they rumen.
2. The Vulture mainly feeds on dead animals so it is known as scavenger. Vultures have strong claws and sharp beak for tearing flesh.
3. The Duck is a water fowl. It leaves on near the water. It has short legs with webbed feet and long supple neck reaching down into the water to catch prey.
4. The Kiwi is a curious bird. It cannot fly. It has loose, hair-like feathers and long whiskers. Largely nocturnal, it burrows in the ground. It is the only bird known to have nostrils at the end of its bill and literally sniffs out food.
5. The Penguins are found in Antarctica. They cannot fly the waddle ungainly on land. They can swim using their wings as flippers.
Elephant Bird 

6. The Elephant Bird was the largest bird that ever lived. Its eggs were 200 times bigger than a hen's egg. It vanished about 3000 years ago.
7. The Toucan is an American bird with bright feathers and has a big beak to fight with male rivals and to eat fruits and eggs. It is very colour ful bird.

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